
THANK YOU for building a healthy, just, and inclusive community.

This has been a tumultuous time, full of challenges. We started 2020 providing services at a record pace. Widespread cancellations followed, however, and many elective procedures were postponed due to the pandemic. Through it all, we’ve seen the best of humanity shine as overworked and exhausted medical professionals worldwide provided care for people suffering from COVID-19. Here at home, our volunteers ramped up once again and continued to support our community by donating care for people in need, including a patient named Angela.

Angela works as a hairstylist in Napa. Her job requires that her hands stay strong and nimble. Several years ago, however, she began experiencing severe pain in her hands, which made her job difficult.

Desperate to find the cause of her pain, Angela visited an ER and was diagnosed with carpal tunnel syndrome. She was told to seek treatment elsewhere because her condition was not considered an emergency. Uninsured, she spent over a year searching without success for affordable care. Feeling depressed and experiencing pain, Angela returned to the ER, where she was advised to visit OLE Health, a community clinic that would offer more affordable options for exams and overall care. OLE Health referred Angela to our program, and we matched her with Dr. James Johnson, who examined her hands and shoulders, confirmed the diagnosis, and performed open carpal tunnel release surgery on both hands.

Angela recounted, “I remember when I first met Dr. Johnson, he was so noble and made me feel cared for. He took me by the hands and told me not to worry; he would help me. He is my angel.”

Recovered and back at work, Angela shared, “I am very grateful that Operation Access helps uninsured people like me. I do not know how it all works exactly, but I am so thankful, especially to Dr. Johnson and his team. They treated me so well.”

Patients like Angela motivate us to continue serving health needs throughout Northern California. We are introducing our model of care coordination in counties beyond our original service area to advance access to specialty care for those in need.

Throughout the year, we worked to serve patients safely, build our capacity, and strengthen our team. We served people from six additional counties beyond our traditional Bay Area region that are part of California’s County Medical Services Program. We anticipate serving patients from many more counties by the end of 2021. We launched a new case-management database that allows us to work remotely and communicate effectively with patients and partners. Aspen Surgery Center and Healdsburg District Hospital also partnered with us and began serving patients.

As community clinic referrals rebound strongly, we are recruiting more specialists and partners to serve a growing demand for care. Gastroenterology is our highest-need specialty, and we are seeking volunteers in all specialties, especially GI, throughout Northern California.

If you or someone you know can help by providing services or connecting us with providers across Northern California, please reach out.


Our Volunteers

Over the past year

Since 1993


Patients We Serve

We coordinate care for uninsured Californians

96% arrive on-time and ready for their appointments
92% report a reduction in pain*
93% speak a language other than English as their primary language
95% report improved health or quality of life
97% are very satisfied or satisfied with their experience**
89 days - the median wait time from referral to specialty consult
95% reduction in ER visits post-procedure*
50% report changing their habits to maintain health post-procedure*
116 days - the median wait time between referral and procedure

Average Annual Income

Individ-ual: $11,596 ($966/month)

Individ-ual: $11,596 ($966/month)

Family of 4: $27,602 ($2,300/month)

*11% of patients participated by phone interview 6 to 9 months post-procedure

**12% of patients participated by mailed survey


Our Finances



Medical Impact

For every dollar given, we arranged $12 in donated medical care.

$2,454,182 Operating Revenue

$2,142,866 Cash Expenses

$26,125,000** Charity Care

*Operating Revenue excludes funds designated solely for future years.

**Donated in-kind medical services (charity care) are calculated according to the total estimated amount of medical provider and hospital charges that were waived.

As a tax-exempt charitable organization, we embrace the values of accountability and transparency. Additional financial information, IRS Form 990s, and independent audit reports are available.


Our Program

Patients Served

2020 AR Graphs - Our Program - Patients Served - stacked labels 2 - from EPS 0.5x@0.5x.png

Service Distribution

2020 AR Graphs - Service Distribution - stacked labels - high res - from EPS.png

Service Distribution By Specialty

2020 AR Graphs - Service Distribution By Specialty - stacked labels vs 2 - high res - from EPS.png


$2,000 - $4,999

$200,000 and above


Association of Perioperative Nurses

Lynn Barr and Robert Campbell

Mary Burchill & Mark Maxson Fund

Jonah Frohlich

Allan Herzog

Hilltop Foundation

Mary Levine and Arnold Levine, MD

Geoff McHugh

Mechanics Bank

Fernando Otero, MD

Adam Petras

Ritual Coffee

Alex Slack and Nina Ni, MD

Aaron Stanley

Union Bank

VWLackey & DonS Fund

County Medical Services Program

SBA Paycheck Protection Program

$100,000 - $199,999

Contra Costa County Health and Human Services

John Muir Health

Kaiser Permanente - Northern California

St. Joseph Health of Sonoma

Sutter Health

$50,000 - $99,999

Colon Cancer Coalition, Get Your Rear in Gear - San Francisco

Koret Foundation

Marin County Health and Human Services

Queen of the Valley Foundation

Queen of the Valley Medical Center

Stanford Health Care


$1,000 - $1,999

$20,000 - $49,999

AMC Networks

Anonymous Fund of MCF

Benjamin Aune

Jason Beers and Jane Zimmerman

Melissa Biber

Blackbaud Giving Fund

Dewi Burton

Gerald Cahill

Donald O. & Ronald R. Collins Fund

Andrea DeBerry

Ed & Betty Manoyan Foundation

Dava and Donald Freed

Alex Go

Mary Gregory and Josh Glidden

Paul Hofmann, DrPH

Steve Maron, MD

John Ngai, MD

Stephanie Santos, MD

Gail Valpreda Slavik

Colleen Townsend, MD

Vesper Society

Monique Zmuda

Buck Family Fund of Marin Community Foundation

George H. Sandy Foundation

MarinHealth Medical Center

Sequoia Hospital

Sisters of St. Joseph Healthcare Foundation

$10,000 - $19,999

Adventist Health St. Helena

American Society of Cataract and Refractive Surgery Foundation

Community Foundation Sonoma County

Concord/Pleasant Hill Health Care District

Hellman Foundation

Jackson Square Partners Foundation

Maverick Capital Foundation

The Grey Family Foundation

$5,000 - $9,999

Blue Shield of California

Boston Scientific

Genentech Biotechnology

Steve and Linda Monosson, Herbst Foundation

Pacific Foundation for Medical Care

Pacific Outreach Foundation

Rosenbluth Family Foundation

United Way Bay Area


We partner with medical volunteers and facilities throughout Northern California. Our partners donated over $26 million in health care in 2020. A diverse group of health systems work with us to donate care.


Over 100 community health centers refer patients to our program and provide ongoing primary care.

Sutter Health

Kaiser Permanente


2020 AR Graphs - Referral Sources - stacked labels - high res - from EPS.png

John Muir Health

Adventist Health

Dignity Health

Independent Facilities


doctors, nurses, and other medical professionals, and


medical groups donate professional services, which include specialty care, anesthesia, pathology, radiology, and physical therapy.

What Our Patients Are Saying


“Yo les agradezco de todo corazón por el buen servicio y atención que me dieron. Estoy sumamente agradecido con todo el personal de Operation Access y con todo el personal del hospital y Dr. Alkoraishi.”

“I thank you with all my heart for the good service and attention you gave me. I am exceedingly grateful to all the Operation Access staff and all the hospital staff and Dr. Alkoraishi.”

— Tranquilino, Patient

“Nuevamente quiero agradecer a todos los doctores y voluntarios que trabajan en este programa. Están realmente ayudando a los que necesitan su ayuda y cambiando nuestras vidas. Muchas gracias, pueden sentirse muy orgullosos del trabajo que están haciendo.”

"Again I want to thank all the doctors and volunteers who work on this program. They are truly helping those who need their help and changing our lives. Thank you very much, you can be very proud of the work you are doing."

— Maria, Patient